Saturday, March 23, 2013

Be Smart Teacher

Hallllooooo!!!  Sorry for long absent :) I have new profession, actually. I am a teacher now, an English teacher. I teach private senior high school in Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. Because of this new profession, I still try to adapt with the rhythm of the work, the other administration jobs that must be done by teachers, etc.  Last 2 weeks, were the hectic time for teachers. We have try out for the National final Exam for the 12th grade. The midterm test for the 10th and 11th grade. A few days later after the test we have to present the mid term report to parents and students... :) Fiuhhhh... At the first time, it was quite stressing. In fact, teacher jobs are not only teaching....
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tips to Keep the Smell of Your Perfume Last Longer

For me, perfume is important. It gives good smell to my surrounding, It also as an interpretation of someone’s character (that is what perfume master said :)). It is increasing my confidence, even without perfume, I am a confident woman. Perfume is very important for me because it is very expensive. That is why; I have to keep the fragrance last longer, because gradually the scent will reduce. It just like wasting my money for nothing, if the perfume became scentless, right?   According to Fragrance Foundation, global organization which focusing on perfume industry, the best way to keep perfume is put it in a cupboard/drawer with room temperature, and better keep it inside its...
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Thursday, June 7, 2012


The way to increase Page Rank and  blog traffic speed is only for those who want higher Page Rank and higher blog traffic speed instantly on their blogs. Here is the way to increase Page Rank and traffic blog speed instantly by spreading links using Multi Level Marketing (MLM). I know you must be wandered. MLM??? It sounds weird, but its really works. You don’t believe it yet? Just try this tips “How to Increase Page Rank on Blog” in other words SEO Technique.This time I like to show you how to use the advantage of multiply and the speed of this spreading in the format of FREE BACKLINK. It’s quite easy actually. All you have to do is put these links in your blogs or post it in your articles....
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Friday, April 27, 2012

Tips to Make Your Baby Sleep Well at Night

    I’ve read a magazine (I forget the name of the magazine; it is about ‘mommy & kids’ magazine). It is said that during sleeping time, the baby's brain cells are developed and grown, especially at the golden years (1 – 3 years old). So that is why, deep sleep is good for baby’s brain growth.  However, there is one thing as a big problem for mommies (especially me, actually), because my baby already learn to play, by himself or with his friends, sometimes he refuse to go to sleep. He wants to play :). That is why; I have to find some ways to make my baby sleep with enough time and sleep well at night....
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Friday, March 30, 2012

How to Recognize Bad Fever & Tips to Overcome It

Dear bloggers and friends, sorry for the last few weeks, I haven’t up load any new articles. It is caused my baby boy got bad fever for several days, and he had to be treated at the hospital for 6 days :( It is very common in Indonesia, during the Pancaroba Season, many people get ill. Pancaroba Season is a season in between the changing seasons (Indonesia has two seasons: Dry and Rainy Seasons). Usually on February – April is Pancaroba Season from Dry to Rainy Season, and on October – December is Pancaroba Season from Rainy to Dry Season. And my baby is one of those people who got ill. Through this experience, I would like to share about how to recognize bad fever, and then some tips how...
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Friday, March 2, 2012


I like colorful clothes. I have blouses, shirts, short pants, skirts in green, red, yellow, brown, black, white, etc. But one thing that made me up set with colorful clothes, after a while the color turns fade, or for t-shirt sometimes it becomes stretching. For example, my favorite green short turns to brownish, my favorite white t-shirt turns to a bit yellow, and my red tank top turns to be a bit oranges. I don’t know the cause, whether the wrong way of washing, or because of the detergent, or because of the material itself, or etc. After that, I made a ‘kind of’ conclusion (because I am not sure whether it is valid or not, because this is based from my own experience from the way I washed...
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Monday, February 20, 2012


First time being a Mommy, made me always look for information about nursery and taking care of a baby; I search through books, internet, my mother and mother-in-law, and from my friends’ experiences. So, when my baby is about ready to eat other food than breast milk (around 6 months old), I also look for information on how to choose the right menu for my baby, the variation menu, and how to prepare and serve it. I bought a book, entitled “Variasi Makanan Sehat Bayi” (Healthy Baby’s Meal Variations), written by Wied Harry Apriadji. Since it is written in Indonesian, I tried to translate it into English.    the cover & the pages are no longer smooth, too often read by mommy ...
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